Hello, I am Katelyn. I am 13 years old and my favorite subjects in school are science and math. I enjoy them because I get to work out problems and find out new things on my own and it makes me feel a sense of accomplishment.
I am also very interested in languages. I like how languages enable the ability to communicate and how language from various cultures have similarities in structure. It is interesting how a combination of similar meaning words can express different ambience, tone and personality (“What’s Up?” vs. “How do you do?”)
Some say Math / Science and Language are separate worlds. I want to explore the intersection between these seemingly contrasting subjects. Coding is a computing language that follows logic and results in applications such as video games, websites, and functionalities that express a creator’s visions, ideas, and solutions. Artificial Intelligence or “AI” is an emerging technology where computers are learning to use language models to converse and create. I wonder what the impact of such technology will have on the world.
This blog is to document my journey, thoughts and growth in the exploration of language, math, science and their convergence. I will ask questions I have and try to answer those questions, and also share thoughts on things I have read, watched, or thought about.
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